Net-neutrality rules will be reinstated despite FCC repeal

This is IMPORTANT to Everyone's access to the internet. The resolution the Senate passed Wednesday that would reinstate the Federal Communications Commission's net-neutrality rules may...

Net neutrality: Where do we go from here?

Net Neutrality is no longer and that means that access to the internet is no longer equal for everybody.  The FCC voted to repeal...

FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn need to fight for open internet

“What the FCC did was to depress — was to strip away the freedoms of the most enabling platform, the most equalizing platform of...

Net Neutrality Rules Will Start To Die On April 23

With the Federal Communication Commission’s order gutting net neutrality rules officially entering the Federal Register today, people and groups in favor of the rules...

Burger King Explains Net Neutrality With Whoppers

On Wednesday, Burger King released a new commercial that uses their famed Whoppers to explain to unsuspecting customers what a world without net neutrality...

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