Chrystia Freeland takes on Trump

'Facts matter. Truth matters' “It is why the far wiser path — and the more enduring one — is to strengthen our existing alliance of...

How Amazon Became Corporate America’s Nightmare

Amazon makes no sense. It’s the most befuddling, illogically sprawling, and—to a growing sea of competitors—flat-out terrifying company in the world. It sells soap and...

5pointz graffiti trial: New York artists sue real estate developer

Graffiti’s transformation from a kind of vandalism to a high art form is almost complete. In the last half century, street art has evolved...

Why Canada is the next frontier for shale oil

Canadian producers and global oil majors are increasingly exploring the Duvernay and Montney formations, which they say could rival the most prolific U.S. shale fields. The...

The 2017 World’s Most Innovative Companies

This year marks the 10th edition of the Fast Company World's Most Innovative Companies ranking. Our reporting team sifts through thousands of enterprises each...

Playboy sues Boing Boing over a web link

Playboy has filed a lawsuit against Boing Boing, accusing the offbeat news blog of copyright infringement for linking to an Imgur gallery and a...

Richest 62 people as wealthy as half of world’s population, says Oxfam | Business | The Guardian

The vast and growing gap between rich and poor has been laid bare in a new Oxfam report showing that the 62 richest billionaires...

How the blockchain will radically transform the economy

Say hello to the decentralized economy -- the blockchain is about to change everything. In this lucid explainer of the complex (and confusing) technology,  

How does a blockchain work – Simply Explained – YouTube

What is a blockchain and how do they work? I'll explain why blockchains are so special in simple and plain English!  

Bitcoins and Blockchain Explained

Scroll Down and Read - The Crypto Conundrum - At the Bottom is a video the explains Blockchains.

Must Read