Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future

Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future. Its failure to achieve adoption to date is because systems built...

Amazon Wants to Get to Teenagers Before the Banks Do

Amazon.com Inc. has millennial shoppers nailed down. And their parents. And most of their grandparents. But one group of potential customers has eluded the world’s...

You don’t have to delete Facebook, but you could definitely be using it better

Your Facebook account is spraying your personal info onto the internet like a hose. Here's how to stop it. The truth is you’ll probably be...

The Right to be Forgotten online easily

As of June 2014, Google has established a form where people can request removals, as our story explains: How Google’s New “Right To Be...

Center for Humane Technology

Technology is hijacking our minds and society. Technology that tears apart our common reality and truth, constantly shreds our attention, or causes us to feel...

Information Facebook and Google have on you

The harvesting of our personal details goes far beyond what many of us could imagine. So I braced myself and had a look Want to...

Streaming Music is Ripping You Off

If you subscribe to a subscription music service such as Spotify or Apple Music you probably pay $10 a month. And if you are...

What Airbnb Did to New York City’s Housing Market

Airbnb’s effects on the city’s housing market have been dramatic, a report suggests. And other cities could soon see the same pattern. There are two...

How low-paid workers at ‘click farms’ create appearance of online popularity

Dispatches found one boss in Bangladesh who boasted of being "king of Facebook" for his ability to create accounts and then use them to...

America’s gun culture in 10 charts

There has been another mass shooting in the United States - at least 17 people have been killed at a high school campus in...

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